Small updates to scope and mechanics

A new week and new progress.

Regarding the goals set from last week, I've been able to somewhat adjust the camera system so it feels better. The room to room transitions still have some bugs that i need to tweak but I should be able to get it done. The Parking lot room has been finished and works fine. I might move one of the cars to the background so I can put a enemy there.

New Spell mechanics: I've added the ability to charge up the players spells, I was hoping to make it shoot out a laser, but I'm having some trouble getting Unity's line renderer to work with my player, If I end up not getting it to work I'll come up with something else.

Cutting some ideas: When starting this project I was thinking about getting the enemy or the players animations to us procedural animation, but I've decided against it. A lot of my time for this project was spent learning how to implement it, and the time needed still to make it work is not worth it.

Next week plans: I'm splitting my time up between working on this project and learning unreal blueprints. Hopefully I can get a small demo out for a game in unreal as well this summer but we shall see what times lends me. For this project I plan to finish the charge spell and some other combat mechanics.

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