Elemental System!

Before I talk about what I've done for this week I want to set some goals for next week!

  • Work on the charged spell effect, maybe have it launch a stronger spell?
  • Implement the rest of the elemental spells and particle systems that are not already made.
  • Start layout for bridge section?

Between this project and my self teaching of unreal blueprints I have a lot to do!


This weeks was mainly spend on making the particle effects for the elements in the game and writing the code for it.

At first I had a placeholder system that used a ton of bool's which was hard to manager and a clutter so I thought of a better system!

In total there will be 5 elemental spells you can use, and each of them effects the enemies element system.

The element system works on a float value, each element adds or subtracts a different number from the total float. If the character reach more than 3, or less than -3 the enemy takes extra damage!

Every time the enemy's element float isn't 0 a timer starts, after 5 seconds it goes back to 0 and turns off any effect they have. By doing this I hope to make the player have to think fast on how to combo each spell.

  • Ice | -2 to the element float (WIP effect)
  • Water | -1 to the element float  (WIP effect)
  • Rock\Mud | resets element float to 0 (Effect not started)
  • Fire | +1 to the element float
  • Lightning | +2 to the element float

Using this system the elements can interact with each other, like water + fire gets put out, water + lightning sets the character on fire. and so forth.

Examples in gameplay 

Effects on enemies

Water + Cold adding up to 3 ending the effect

Putting out fire with water

Get Mage Runner

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