Dev Log 2

During this week of development, I mainly focused on implementing systems.

The first being a brand new spell which shoots out a ball of water. In addition to this new spell I've adjusted the spell system for all projectiles to have  a pushing effect around them if they hit something. I used this feature together with the next to make something more fun.

The newest feature is physics objects! The world will now be populated with movable boxes chairs or whatever I think of. You can also move these around, and also throw them! While this feature is cool, I still need to bug test it out as there has been some issues with knowing when you grabbed something.

I've also started working on the next segment of the level. This week was just the outline, while next week I'd like to get started on the art and some mechanics. This next room will act like a tutorial for the games platforming and other level mechanics just as physics objects and swinging.

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